FOR PERSONS, ELDERLY PEOPLE, ATHLETES, PETS, VEHICLESThe MT90 is a tracker of latest technology, either for personal use or for use to pets, due to its limited volume, the tightness level and the great autonomy offered. It is a tracker of technology SIRF IV guaranteeing optimum quality satellite signal reception, download speed and high precision. By integrating sensors like the accelerometer the device could adapt its operation based on the user activities, being operated for 60 hours in power saving mode. In parallel it bears a microphone to record surrounding noise, that is a particularly important parameter especially in cases where the tracker is used by children, Alzheimer patients etc.
With the product deactivated and using the screwdriver included in the package, remove the two screws at the back of the unit to access the inside of the tracker. Remove the battery so that the SIM card slot to be revealed.
Insert SIM
Be sure that the SIM card has the relative pin unlock number deactivated. Insert the SIM card on the slot and make sure that it has been mounted correctly. Place the battery to the unit, and then as soon as you are sure that it fits properly, screw the two screws without applying excessive pressure.
Charge the device
Place the unit on the charging base and connect it via the usb cable either to the charger included in the package or to any relative pc port. For proper battery management, with the tracker deactivated, let it charge for at least eight hours.
Device Parameterization
The tracker is partially parameterized. What remains in order to assure the proper operation of the device is the end user to declare the selected mobile telecommunications service provider via which the tracker will communicate with the server (cosmote, Vodafone, wind etc.). With the tracker activated, we conclude the process described above by transmitting a message SMS, that contains the SIM card number, inserted in the tracker.
The content of the message exactly as it should be sent is shown below:
0000,A21,1,,1000, the APN of the provider, username if exists, password if exists
This message applies to all mobile telecommunication networks, differentiated only at the APN parameter (blue fonts) the value of which depends on the provider selected by the end-user. The APN value could be immediately provided by the mobile telecommunication service provider stores network. If there exists a username and password to connect, these are entered in the message at the positions with the red and green fonts.
Otherwise the message will have the form as below:
(this is an example of a parameterization message with a mobile telecommunication service provider whose APN is “internet”, without username and password).
As soon as the process described above is concluded, the tracker is ready to operate. What remains is to create a contact on the device the application DigiTrack is installed, taking into account that the IMEI of the tracker, which is affixed to its packaging, should be entered on the phone number of said contact.
Note: Buying the tracker is accompanied by free lifetime subscription of DigiTrack application. The end-user should declare the IMEI of the device the application DigiTrack is installed, when ordering the tracker at the UBILUS e-shop, to gain access to the mail server of the application.
- Sku
- mt90
- Description
- MT90
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# Option Price 1 MT90 μαύρο €230.00 - Shipping
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